Personality Quiz


Are You Too Negative?

Do You Have An Addictive Personality ?

Would You Choose Your Partner Again?

Is He A Mate Or A Date?

How Sensitive Are You?

Are You A Flirt?

Are You A Control Freak?

Are You A Complainer?

Are You a Dating Disaster?

Are You a Day Dreamer?

Three faces side by side

Are You A Diva?

Are you a Good Friend?

Are You A Good Liar?

Are You A Good Listener?

Are You A Head Turner?

Are You A Diva?

Are you a Good Friend?

Are You A Good Liar?

Are You A Good Listener?

Are You A Heartbreaker?

Series extends to 400+


Do You Have An Addictive Personality?

(Adult female)

Do you get fixated and fanatical? Do you get enthusiastic and excited or indifferent and uninterested? Do you become hooked or half-hearted? Do you have an addictive personality – find out in this fun quiz.

1: A group of your friends are raising money for charity by not eating chocolate for a month. Would you take part?

  1. No, you couldn’t last for a week, let alone a month

  2. Yet, but it would be a struggle not to even eat a chunk

  3. Yes, it would do you good not to eat chocolate for that time

2; Shopping for a new top you find the perfect style, but can’t choose between the four different colours available. Which would you buy?

  1. Being unable to make a decision you would buy all four

  2. You would buy one, and then wonder whether or not you had chosen the right colour

  3. The colour that would easily match with your present clothes

3: Planning to get healthier you join a gym. What attitude would you take towards your fitness regime? 

  1. You would join several classes, buying all the equipment you needed, and then gradually lose interest

  2. You would attend regularly, and keep the routine going for the term of your membership

  3. You would probably go to the gym for a couple of weeks, then let your membership lapse

4: On your way to work you always stop at the same coffee shop for a coffee. Today they don’t have your favourite. Would this upset you?

    1. Yes, you like to drink the same coffee every morning

    2. No, you would have a different coffee and not be bothered that your usual wasn’t available

    3. No, you have more than one favourite, so you would have another instead

5: Do you find yourself beginning collections, such as movie memorabilia, ornaments, etc, losing interest, and then moving on to collecting something else?

      1. No, you are not a collector of anything

      2. No, you only have a few collections, and have never lost interest in them

      3. Yes, you have lots of uncompleted collections

6: Settling down with a mug of coffee, reading your favourite magazine, do you find once you have opened a packet of biscuits you eat the whole lot?

  1. Yes, you don’t seem to be able to stop once you have started

  2. Only if you were wrapped up with your reading and didn’t realise how many you were eating 

  3. No, you would limit yourself to one or two

7: Just before going to bed you have a mug of coffee. What do you do with the dirty cup?

    1. Wash it, dry it and put it away

    2. Wash it and leave it to dry

    3. Leave it where it is until the morning

8: If your partner throws his clothes on the bedroom floor of a night time, do you insist that he picks them up? 

      1. Yes, and if he refuses you will do so yourself, because you loathe mess

      2. No, it doesn’t bother you

      3. Yes, because you hate untidiness

9: The first season of your favourite television show has been released on DVD. The box set contains twenty-four episodes. How would you watch it?

        1. You would watch them one at a time, as you did when they were aired on tv

        2. You would see a couple of episodes, then several more later

        3. You would view all 24 episodes in one go

10: A friend invites you to a party at the weekend. It is now Monday, when would you start making plans what to wear?

  1. On the afternoon of the party

  2. The day before the party

  3. Immediately, you would have your whole outfit figured out in your head


Are You Able to Relax?

(Adult female/male)

Can you take time-out or are you unable to unwind? Are you competent or clueless at chilling?

Do you bother with a break?  Are you able to relax – find out in this fun quiz.

1: Going on holiday you have arrived at the airport to be told your flight is delayed for five hours. How would you pass the time?

  1. Sitting in the departure lounge waiting for your flight to be called

  2. Walking round the duty free shops or exploring the airport

  3. Finding somewhere quiet to catch up on your sleep

2: How do you normally spend your weekends?

        1. Catching up on chores you missed during the week

        2. Visiting friends, pursuing hobbies and having fun

        3. Chilling out at home, watching a DVD or reading

3: Waking up at 5.a.m., an hour before your usual getting out of bed time, would you try to go back to sleep?

  1. No, you would get up early and do some chores

  2. Yes, you would get your usual sleep quota 

  3. You would try to, but would probably fail

4: When you are surfing on the Internet how often do you check for new emails?

    1. Every 5 minutes

    2. When you log on and before logging off

    3. Just the once

5: Which one of these would be your ideal vacation? 

  1. Lazing on a sun drenched beach with a book and a cool drink

  2. A city tour, taking in all the cultural sights

  3. An action adventure break, white water rafting, skiing or scuba diving

6: It is mid-afternoon and you discover that the battery on your mobile has gone flat.  Would you worry that you had missed calls?

  1. Yes, you would frantically check as soon as the battery was powered up

  2. You would wonder if you had, but not be greatly concerned

  3. You wouldn’t worry because you know anyone important would call back

7: Going off on vacation, how soon after your holiday begins do you start thinking about going back to work?

  1. Returning to work is at the back of your mind from the start

  2. Midway through your break

  3. The night before you return home

8: How often on average, do you lose your temper?

  1. Virtually daily, but in varying degrees of anger, from slight irritation to a full blown rage 

  2. Hardly ever

  3. At least once a week, occasionally more

9: A friend is having a midweek dinner party. The following day you have a job interview that means a lot to you. Would you accept the dinner invitation?

    1. Yes, it would take your mind off your pending interview

    2. Yes, but you would apologise and explain you have to leave early to get ready for your interview

    3. No, you would stay home and concentrate on preparing for your interview

10: How much time do you get to yourself each day?

      1. About an hour

      2. Less than 15 minutes

      3. Virtually none

How did you score?

1: a.0 b.1 c.3     2: a.1 b.2 c.3      3: a.1 b.3 c.2     4: a.1 b.2 c.3     5: a.3 b.2 c.1   

6: a.0 b.1 c.3     7: a.1 b.2 c.3      8: a.1 b.3 c.2     9: a.3 b.2 c.1   10: a.3 b.2 c.1   


1: a.0 b.1 c.3     2: a.1 b.2 c.3      3: a.1 b.3 c.2     4: a.1 b.2 c.3     5: a.3 b.2 c.1   

6: a.0 b.1 c.3     7: a.1 b.2 c.3      8: a.1 b.3 c.2     9: a.3 b.2 c.1   10: a.3 b.2 c.1   

Between 0-10

It would seem that you do have an addictive personality. But is doesn’t appear to be causing you too much concern. Clearly you like to have routine in your life. What you have to decide for yourself is whether this routine is one that makes your days easier and less complicated, or it is an obsessive pattern that you have fallen into.

Between 11-20

You have phases when you become addicted to something or someone. When it comes to love you tend to throw yourself into the relationship, losing your grip of reality as you do so. It could be that you just get a little too overenthusiastic rather than addicted. Whatever it is, it never lasts for long and soon you are back in a sensible and calm mind frame.  

Between 21-30

It is quite obvious that you do not have an addictive personality. In fact, you have a slightly scatter-brained personality. It is more than likely due to this that you don’t have the concentration span to become addicted to anything.  While you can be pleased that you don’t have any obsessive character traits, you should pay attention to correcting your scatty, absent-minded behaviour. 

Between 0-10

Relaxing is very difficult for you. You need to work out what is stopping you from unwinding. If you have work or home troubles they need to be resolved before you will be able to fully relax. Try to adopt a regular pattern of unwinding before you go to bed. Consider taking up a hobby that will take your concentration and allow you to slow down. 

Between 11-20

For most of the time you are able to relax. However, some times, when you have a niggling problem, for example, you loose the knack of chilling out. This is something that needs to be worked on. Learn to switch off from your troubles and get some rest. You will find that when you are fully rejuvenated your problems will be easier to deal with. 

Between 21-30

You are quite obviously a person who finds it easy to free your mind of your worries and take it easy. Do be cautious though, and always make sure that your relaxation breaks are taken at appropriate times. Your taking it easy during working hours would not be welcomed by your employer, so make sure that you always unwind in your own time.